This playbook is made possible by the storytellers representing multiple identities, roles, and locations across the nation. It is driven by the courageous work of families, ECE providers, and community leaders of color to speak the truth about the distance between what our children deserve and what the ECE system is offering. The work has been built upon the wisdom, perspectives, and experiences they so generously shared. Their voices not only provide insight into how the ECE system is (and how it is not) working for families and communities, but also provide hope and a vision for an ECE system truly that honors, values, and supports every child by working side-by-side with families and communities. Without their voices, this playbook would amount to nothing more than “noise”. So it is with the deepest gratitude that we attempt to be good stewards of their stories through this body of work.
*Please note that stories were shared in various digital platforms, so not all stories are depicted via video.