
It is our intention and sincere hope that no matter what part of the ECE system you represent, no matter where your sphere of influence is located, no matter what your role entails, you will find both hope and a relevant call to action within the pages of this playbook.

Navigating the Playbook

Each chapter centers powerful stories from families, providers, and ECE leaders sharing the triumphs and challenges of those who have committed to giving children a strong start. These stories sit alongside a synthesis of conversations with the storytellers who generously shared their time and expertise with us, plus gathered perspectives of thought leaders from the broader ECE community—about how children, families, and communities are experiencing the ECE system. Responding to these themes, each chapter includes learnings from community efforts to address challenges, which offer important clues as to how we can collectively commit to and advance equity. And finally, each chapter offers a series of practical recommendations for how leaders at the national, state, and local levels can participate in creating progress by working side-by-side with families and communities.

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